Monday, October 21, 2013

Pastor Rembert Preaches at Assembly of Praise

Pastor Donald and First Lady Yvonne Tubbs Return to New House

MOSS POINT -- Overseer Donald Tubbs and Elect Lady Yvonne Tubbs are no strangers to the member of New House of Prayer Deliverance Temple, though their first day back at NHP Deliverance Temple was a surprise to many of the members.

After Pastor Jason Rembert announced that he and Lady Melanie Rembert would be leaving the ministry of New House of Prayer, he had sought the LORD to find a man to take his place in the church's leadership. He said that the LORD allowed him to meet Pastor Tubbs, who agreed to take over Deliverance Temple under his wing. Overseer Tubbs is pastor of Assembly of Praise Ministries in Pascagoula, where he has been for a number of years as minister and eventually pastor.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Prophet Jason and Lady Melanie Rembert on Sept. 21, as they were spending their last night with members of the New House of Prayer Deliverance Temple Ministries.
The couple came to the New House of Prayer during June 2012 while he was a minister at Trumpet in Zion Fellowship Ministries in Gulfport. At the time, he and Lady Rembert had just experienced the birth of their son, John Obadiah, who is now one year old. Daughter, Asia Jena, was born July 2, 2013, and made the third child for the couple. Paris is now 7 years old.